Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Uncommon Commitment

Are you ready for a moment of truth? I thought you might be so here’s one for you.

There are people who have big dreams and people who do big things. I know which one we all want to be but the real question is which one are you? I have observed three kinds of people in this world, those who watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what just happened. The people who make up that second category are in that category for one very important reason. They all possess UNCOMMON COMMITMENT.

You see, uncommon commitment produces uncommon results. They seem to have acquired an incredible passion for completing their mission and that passion propels them through all sorts of obstacles.

Let me break this uncommon commitment down in three simple ways. People who do big things possess these characteristics:

1.-COMPELLING PURPOSE- They have developed a deep attraction to their destination. They are compelled by the cause. In the Bible there is this picture of a young freckled face boy who went to go bring supplies to his brothers who are on the frontlines of a military engagement. They are being challenged by a literal monster of a man named Goliath. As he rants and raves insults against Israel and the God they serve. The picture is of this young man running up and down the lines of reluctant and fearful soldiers screaming to the top of his lungs, “IS THERE NOT A CAUSE!?” David was driven by something bigger than his own safety and security. He knew and understood that some things in life are worth the risk and that while staying in camp was safe for him it certainly wasn’t safe for the cause. My question is do you have a cause that compels you? Is there something that makes you get out of the boat and take a risk? The paradox is this, whenever you find something worth dying for you have found something worth living for.

2.-CLEAR PERSPECTIVE- People who make things happen don’t let fear cloud their view of the future. They just know anything worth doing will be latent with obstacles and obstructions and difficulty so when it comes they are never shocked or surprised. They have learned to take it all in stride and simply keep pressing. Perception is everything, if you think you can’t… your right. But if you think you can… you are right again. The key is keeping a clear perspective.

3.-COURAGEOUS PERSISTENCE- Never give up. Remember, you are never a failure until you quit. I love the message version of Galatians 6:9 it says, “Don’t ever get fatigued in doing what is good, when the time is right we will harvest a full crop if we never give up or quit.” B.C. Forbes once commented on the way people looked on and admired others who do great things as though somehow they are simply more favored than other people. I think he summed it up well when he said, “ Big shots are just little shots who simply kept shooting.”

Until next week, dig deep and keep shooting.

All for Christ,

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