Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Impossible is Possible, Part 4

I’m glad to be back bringing you this week’s Moment of Truth. We have been in a series of evotionals on the topic “The Impossible is Possible” and I hope they are challenging you and bringing inspiration to your life. This week I want to deal with a subject that is intrinsically tied to Godly success: HUMILITY. Of course, the arch enemy of humility is pride. Now, it’s important we all be honest with ourselves and admit we ALL struggle with pride in some form or fashion and to admit that is the first step to addressing this debilitating issue and finding true freedom to live the life God has for us to live.

If you are ever going to do anything big in life, confidence in the ability that God has given you is of paramount importance. However, pride is the vain belief that you and only you are the reason that anything ever happens. It is a spirit of independence from God and His holy work in your life. A great man once told me a line I’ve never forgotten, he said, “even postage stamps become useless when they get stuck on themselves.” When Paul wrote so pointedly about a man “dying to himself” this is the very essence of what he meant. When one can empty himself of himself, the stage is set for the impossible to become possible.

Years ago I heard Zig Ziglar say something that affected me profoundly. He said, “You will always have everything in life that you want if you’ll help enough other people get what they want.” Incorporating this concept into my life has made an incredible difference. True leadership always begins with servanthood while selfishness always leads to destruction. Now, being a servant is one of the most unnatural things you can do simply because we are conditioned to think only about ourselves. It’s born into us. Isn’t it interesting that you never have to teach a baby to be selfish or rude or to throw a fit when they don’t get what they want. Why? Because it’s what comes natural. We have to train our children to say “thank you” and “please” and to share.

When you read the scriptures about what components are necessary for greatness you find a very different perspective than what you find from the world. Jesus made it abundantly clear that the way to the throne room was through the servants quarters (Matthew 23:11). When we learn to forget ourselves and put others first, life changes not only for us but for every one around us as well. Egotism is the only disease where the patient feels well while making everyone else around them sick. I have observed in life that people who boast about being self-made usually have a few missing parts. Now here is the kicker, the bible never tells us to pray for humility. It says “HUMBLE YOURSELF.” That means it’s an inside job, it is an attitude that we must cultivate as an act of our will.

Let me end our talk today by sharing a prayer that I do think helps our journey towards humility. “Lord, give me the wisdom to know the difference between holy confidence and unholy pride then grant me the strength and desire to then remove what is not like you from my life.” Until next week remember, when you find yourself on a high horse, DISMOUNT.

All for Christ,
J. Mark

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